Steps to get rid of a canker sore using liquid & vitamin naturally

Are you in tension seeing a canker sore or several of them inside your mouth? You are not alone. But the
good news is there is nothing serious with canker sores. Seriously, I’m not kidding. If you have canker
sores inside your mouth, you should not worry about them because they heal their own.

It just takes one to two weeks to heal them even if you don’t take any medicine. It is just like cold or flu.
When you catch a cold, taking rest and some home remedies are enough in treating the cold.

But they (canker sores) are sometimes painful and cause of irritation. You can speed up the healing
process of canker sores if you want. Canker sore treatment, including taking medicine or natural
remedies at home, can heal them fast. Both are doable and effective in treating your canker sores.

What is a canker sore, anyway?

A canker sore ((aphthous ulcers) is a tiny ulcer inside your mouth. It is white or grey and has red edges. It
is found below the tongue, inside the cheeks, or the lips resulting pain and irritation. A slight bite of your
teeth can occur canker sores on the tongue or any similar damages inside your mouth.

It is nearly one centimetre in diameter and appears alone or in a group. In most cases, it takes only two
weeks to heal itself. If you can endure the pain caused by canker sores, you need no medicine at all to
improve them.

So, to treat your canker sores inside your mouth, you can stick to the home remedies available, or you
can consult with your physicians if you think they are more violent to you.

However, this article will lead you to the ways you can get rid of the painful and irritating canker sores. I
think these ways of treating canker sores will both speed up the process of healing and reduce the

Using mouth rinses

Using mouth rinse is one of the best ways to soothe your canker sores’ pain and discomfort caused by
them. If you can do it regularly until your canker sore is gone, it will relieve the pain and speeds up your

Having antiseptic properties, mouth rinses prevent infection and inflammation. Also, it hinders canker
sores from spreading your whole mouth. It helps to numb the inside of your mouth so that you can keep

Honey is also beneficial

Honey has been used throughout history as a natural cure for many diseases, including cold and flu.
Honey is rich in some vital antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It prevents your canker sores
from getting more significant. It helps relieve pain and remove redness of the edges.

If you can apply hone to the area of sores four times a day, you will end up speeding up the recovery
from canker sores. But make sure you have original honey. Some grocery shops sell artificial honey
which is caused by hands. You must need natural honey that is being produced by the bees.

Don’t avoid coconut oil

Coconut oil is a natural way to treat canker sores inside your mouth. It is very anti-inflammatory that can
be applied to your skin. Moreover, it has antimicrobial ingredients to prevent your canker sores from

Reducing the redness of canker sores is another ability of coconut oil as well. You can apply the oil many
times a day as it has no side effect until your discomfort caused by canker sores is removed.

Chamomile Tea

From ancient times, human beings have been practised chamomile as a natural cure for healing pains
and wounds. And, surprisingly, it is useful and without doing any harm works much. It has anti-
inflammatory and antiseptic properties that work nicely to soothe your sores and prevent them from

A chamomile tea bag can play a pivotal role in curing your canker sores. All you need to do is to apply a
wet chamomile tea bag on the area where there are sores, leave it for some minutes and remove.
Applying three to four times a day, you can cure your ulcers fast. You can also use brewed chamomile
tea for the same purpose to heal your sores.

Vitamin B-Complex supplement

We all should take balanced diet regularly containing all-natural and vitamin properties in them. If you
take your food that is low in vitamin B-12, you can experience canker sores. Also, you have to make sure
that you are taking meals having vitamin B-12 in them. Otherwise, you may suffer again by canker sores.

So, balancing the level of vitamin B-12 in your body by eating foods having vitamin B-12, you can
prevent canker sores’ outbreaks inside your mouth.

Maybe, you need to visit your doctor

I have already mentioned earlier in this article that canker sores are not something you need colossal
attention. It appears and disappears itself just taking one to two weeks. During this time, it may be a
cause for pain and inflammation inside your mouth.

What if canker sores are more abundant than average? If it does not heal itself after two weeks, you
should consider visiting a doctor for a better solution. It so happens that the sores can spread to your

lips as well. You may suffer from intolerable pain for days. As a result, you cannot eat or even drink
anything. Lastly but not least, you may suffer from fever due to canker sores.

If you see all these symptoms, without making further delay, you should consult with your doctor.

Final Thought

Canker sores can ruin your comfort if they happen frequently. If so, you need to track the possible
reasons for the ulcers. What works as a trigger to happen canker sores is also considerable? Home
remedies should be applied along with over-the-counter solutions.
If they last more extended period than expected, I recommend you to visit with your doctor for the best
advice because your physician knows how to treat them well.


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