How To Brew The Best Kratom Tea

Kratom tea is a very popular beverage across the globe which has thousands of fans swooning over it. Kratom itself is a tropical plant which grows in many parts of Southeast Asia. It was discovered thousands of years back and since then has been used by millions of people. People who drink kratom tea claim it relaxes their mind and relieves stress. However, a lot of restaurants incorporate different flavors to make it taste good.

What is kratom tea?

In simple words, kratom tea is a beverage which is made by mixing hot water with kratom leaves. Kratom leaves have a special compound known as mitragyna which causes the plants psychoactive effects. People who drink kratom tea claim it has very strong effects in the body. There are different strains of kratom which are brewed in kratom tea. If you want to try a good quality strain you must visit kratom crazy.

How to make kratom tea?

A lot of people think it is difficult to make kratom tea, but the truth be told, it is a simple mixture of a few ingredients which should be added in the right quantity. However before you decide to make kratom tea, it is important to have lab-tested good quality kratom in hand. Following is a list of all ingredients you will need to make kratom tea:

  •         3 grams of kratom strain
  •         Lemon juice
  •         Water
  •         Strainer

What to do next?

The first thing you need is good quality kratom strain. If you want to instill a different flavor you can incorporate flavored kratom strain. So if you take 3 grams of kratom powder, you must add it to 15 grams of lemon juice. Blend both of them for 10 minutes. Once kratom has completely dissolved in lemon juice, add it to billing water. Stir the mixture for 2 to 3 minutes until you smell the fragrance of kratom tea. If you have used kratom leaves, you must stain the mixture at the end. Lastly, enjoy your kratom tea.

Kratom tea takes hardly 5 to 10 minutes to prepare. Kratom tea is a popular drink in many bars of South Florida where a single shot can be bought for as low as $7. People who consume kratom tea believe it provides special relief to the body, but medical science doesn’t support any such notions. People who drink kratom tea also claim it is easy for them to absorb kratom faster as compared to consuming it in different forms.

What other forms is kratom consumed in?

Kratom is consumed in many other forms such as capsules, desserts, food, drinks, kava, powder etc. Along with kratom tea, a lot of people are also voting for kratom kava, the demand for which is rampantly increasing in the US. Many bars in South Florida are devoted to providing kratom infused drinks. Residents of that state claim kratom is a part of their lifestyle and not just an ordinary drink.


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