15 Positive Aspects of Using Cannabis

The legalization of cannabis is still an ongoing debate and a hot one at that. Lawyers, legislators, and medical practitioners are still trying to analyze the pros and cons of marijuana. Mainstream media has significantly contributed to the issue of marijuana legalization with more dissemination of information about the benefits of marijuana. The cannabis industry is a multi-billion industry where more people in the population are in support of its legalization. Despite the adamancy of many countries, the future looks bright for cannabis. 

The difference between THC and CBD

People have a general misconstrued idea that weed smokers are lazy people who are always high while disregarding the important medical benefits it has. While it is true that cannabis makes you high, there are more details about it you should know. Let us begin by stating that cannabis contains over 60 chemical compounds referred to as cannabinoids. Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC and Cannabidiol or CBD are among these chemicals. THC is what gives cannabis its psychoactive properties, psychoactive referring to the nature of getting high after smoking. High contents of THC make cannabis more potent. It is mostly found in the leaves of the marijuana plant which is a species of Cannabis sativa.

On the other hand, CBD is a non-psychoactive chemical found in cannabis. It is extracted from the hemp plant, which also a species of Cannabis sativa. Unlike THC, CBD does not make you high. As mentioned, it is non-psychoactive. It is CBD that gives cannabis its medicinal properties. 

Now you understand that it’s not cannabis that makes you high, it is the amount of THC content. The higher the THC content the higher the psychoactive properties. In addition, the medicinal properties arise from CBD. It is therefore not surprising that CBD has been legalized in some states and countries because it has no other purpose but to treat medical conditions.

So, marijuana is not for hopeless and lazy smokers. It has innumerable benefits.

Here are 15 great facts about cannabis that you should consider:


  • It can prevent certain types of cancers


Cannabis inhibits the spreading of cancer cells. The right dosage can shrink tumors including brain tumors associated with many malignant brain cancer people. More research is needed in this area.

Besides treating some cancers, cannabis has been shown to reduce some of the pain and nausea from chemotherapy and stimulates the appetite.


  • It helps with depression and anxiety


Using cannabis brings about a relaxation feeling. In the right amounts, it can help in calming people. Low doses of THC reduce stress and treat anxiety


  • It improves the lung capacity in non-cigarette smokers


Cannabis helps to open up the airways by taking a deep breath from smoking glass bongs and dab rigs. According to research on 5,115 young adults on lung function, tobacco smokers lost lung capacity over time while cannabis users showed an increase in lung capacity. This increase may be attributed to taking of deep breaths while inhaling the plant utilizing awesome filtration devices such as glass bongs and not from a therapeutic chemical in the drug.


  • It regulates seizures from epilepsy


One of the earliest uses of cannabis was to treat epilepsy in children. Epileptic children who were treated with epilepsy had minimal occurrences of seizures and for some, the seizures stopped completely. This still stands in today’s society. Cannabis can help minimize epileptic seizures or completely stop them.


  • Promotes bone growth and healing through CB2


The THC, CBD and CBG components give cannabis its bone healing properties. They can even make bones stronger since they trigger bone formation. 


  • Aids in treating glaucoma


Glaucoma is a condition that increases pressure inside the eye and can cause damage to the optic nerve and eventual loss of sight. Smoking cannabis lowers intraocular pressure thus aiding with glaucoma.


  • Alleviates symptoms of multiple sclerosis


Multiple sclerosis has painful symptoms. The painful contraction of muscles is something that sufferers of multiple sclerosis were unable to treat with other treatments. However, smoking cannabis seemed to alleviate the pain. It could be that THC bound the receptors in the nerves and muscles to relieve pain.


  • Can stop the progression of Alzheimer’s disease


The progression of Alzheimer’s disease can be slowed down by cannabis. The active chemical THC slows the formation of amyloid plaques by blocking the enzyme in the brain that makes them. Amyloid plaques are associated with brain cell damage and Alzheimer’s. 


  • Cures chronic insomnia


Cannabis causes better sleep, unlike other treatments. Furthermore, it can be used to treat nightmares in people who suffer especially from PTSD.


  • Helps with muscles spasms


Cannabis can treat diaphragm spasms that cannot be treated by other prescribed medications


  • Decreases symptoms of Dravet syndrome in children


Dravet syndrome cause seizures and severe developmental delays in children. Cannabis can reduce these symptoms by interacting with brain cells to a quite excessive brain activity that causes the seizures.


  • Reduces inflammation from Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis


Cannabis has anti-inflammatory properties hence it is useful in reducing inflammation from Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.


  • Relieves pain from rheumatoid arthritis


Cannabis has anti-inflammatory properties. It is one of the reasons it was used in ancient China. When applied to joints and aching bones, it relieves the pain. As a result, it has been used to treat rheumatoid arthritis which can cause excruciating pain to the sufferer. It is also useful in treating chronic pain


  • Manages violent mood swings from autism


People who suffer from autism can have severe bouts of mood swings which can get violent and had to control. Cannabis contains chemicals like THC which have a calming effect.


  • Can keep you slim by regulating insulin production


The American Journal of Medicine published a study where they suggested that cannabis smokers are thinner than the average person. Furthermore, such people have healthier metabolism and reaction to sugars. Studies on individuals who smoked marijuana in a month showed that they had low blood sugars. It has been suggested that cannabis helps with the regulation of insulin production.

In all honesty, we can cite even more amazing qualities of cannabis but that might prove too long of a read! Do yourself a favor and research more on this miracle plant. Spread the word and abolish the unjustified stigma against marijuana and all the good it can do for us and our loved ones.


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