Kratom Tea for Pain: How to Make & Get Rid of Pain?

Coffee is one of the most popular drugs on planet Earth. Humans have used it for thousands of years, with nearly two-thirds of all United States adults reporting that they drank at least one cup of coffee a day in 2017. Coffee beans come from a variety of trees and shrubs across Africa and Asia, all of which belong to the Rubiaceae family.

Kratom trees, scientifically known as Mitragyna speciosa, produce kratom, leaves that are chewed directly off of trees themselves, by milling leaves to put them in powder form, which is then ingested with the help of a drink, or brewed as a tea.

Although you probably haven’t heard of the latter, kratom trees are also in the same family as all the flowering plants that pump out coffee beans – Rubiaceae.

Kratom is often used as a stimulant, just as coffee is most frequently used for, though it is also renowned for its painkilling properties, among many other potential health benefits.

Whether you’re a regular kratom user or simply looking to try it to remedy your pain issues, you’ll know exactly how to prepare tea with kratom leaves by the end of this article.

What is kratom tea like?

Teas are brewed with many leaves, including kratom. People make tea by boiling water, then pouring the hot water over their leaves of choice, agitating the substances they choose to use and knocking their flavor and other contents into drinkers’ cups.

Kratom tastes similar to green tea. It’s so similar to tea – as well as coffee, which is closely related to tea, as well – that, when its leaves are ground up into a fine powder, you can’t tell the difference between matcha, or green tea powder, and kratom.

Most people who brew kratom tea, however, use crushed leaves to prepare their beverages. These leaves can either first be placed in a tea bag or be poured loosely into the kettle, pot, or another device you’re using to brew tea with.

How do you make kratom tea?

First, get your hands on some kratom. It’s best to use crushed leaf, as opposed to powdered kratom, because your final brew will be much cleaner than if you were to use powdered kratom. Since powdered kratom’s particles are so fine, they easily make their way through tea bags and cheesecloths.

If all you have right now is powdered kratom and you still want to try kratom tea out, keep in mind that you can, in fact, use it and experience the same effects as kratom tea that’s been prepared with crushed leaf will give you.

Find something to boil water in. A simple, small cooking pot is all you need to make kratom tea. Feel free, however, to use something that holds a larger capacity of water if you’re interested in making multiple servings of tea ahead of time.

As mentioned above, you don’t have to have a tea bag in order to brew kratom tea. However, it’s a good idea to use a tea bag as opposed to dumping your kratom in the boiling water in loose, free form. Most people don’t like to drink tea that has tons of tea leaf particles in it – the same holds true for kratom tea.

Boil or steep the leaves. There hasn’t been enough research done about kratom to know whether its yummy alkaloids are destroyed or damaged under high heat levels. As such, it’s your call as to whether you want to truly boil your kratom leaves or simply steep them in near-boiling water.

Keep the leaves steeping or boiling however long you want to. The longer that you boil them, the more alkaloids that slip out into your tea. Kratom’s alkaloids are responsible for the many positive effects of consuming the plant, so you do want as many Mitragyna speciosa alkaloids in your kratom tea as possible.

If you’re new to kratom, know that the substance is notorious for its nasty, bitter taste. No matter how you consume it, you’ll be faced with the terrible taste of kratom.

However, you may find that masking kratom’s taste in the form of tea is much easier than with other methods of consumption, as you can add tea, honey, fruit, and much, much more into your kratom tea before drinking it.

How do I get rid of pain with kratom?

Kratom is a great painkiller, especially considering the fact that it is less addictive than its opioid counterparts, not to mention pretty much abuse-proof for recreational purposes.

Whether you’ve got kratom tea or another preparation, consume it and wait anywhere from 20 to 60 minutes – sometimes even longer, just to be safe – to start experiencing its effects.

If you’re not hip to kratom tea, a good way of consuming kratom is through kratom capsules. These capsules are pre-filled and are relatively common, though the vast majority of people don’t take kratom in capsule form.

What is the best kratom strain for pain?

Most kratom comes from Borneo. Further, all kratom leaves look the same once processed, whether they’re red-, white-, or green-veined. What’s responsible for variations in strain colors and effects is how kratom is dried.

Vendors often dry their kratom in a few ways and mix it in various proportions to yield different strains.

You’ll never be able to tell which strain is best for you unless you try as much as possible to see which one fits your body chemistry most appropriately.

However, fermented kratom capsules are usually considered the best kratom strain for pain. Fermented kratom is made by placing kratom leaves in a bag and allowing them to sit in direct sunlight for a few hours or even a couple of days. As far as where to get these capsules, we highly recommend the USA Kratom Store which has an incredible selection!

Although fermented tastes stout – it’s going to be a true brown or brownish-reddish color – it’s great for pain.


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