How to Make Weed Pizza: Recipe, Instructions & Video
Pot and Pizza has always been a great combination but now you can get high while eating pizza, rather than the classic cure for the munchies. This is an awesome recipe because it’s easy to make and there is no smell. Today we are going to making a single serving but the same math can be applied to make a whole pie. Before we get started, you are going to need the following:
- 1/2 teaspoon Already Been Vaped (ABV). If you are using decarb weed, just use 1/4 teaspoon!
- 1 slice of cooked pizza
Notice that pizza is baked at 400°F or even more. At that temperature the THC will vaporise right in the oven. Raw cannabis, on the other hand, does not go well with your body- it has to be decarboxylated first, but the process takes a comparatively longer time. Check out our guide on decarbing weed, if you would like to use this method.
Thus, simply reheat already-cooked pizza in the microwave and you will be able to use decarboxylated ABV at a sufficiently high temperature so that it mixes with the cheese fat and for a sufficiently short duration to avoid vaporizing more cannabinoids.
Take the pizza slice and sprinkle the AVB on it as though you were sprinkling oregano. Make sure that you take off the toppings temporarily so that the AVB is directly on top of the cheese. Heat the slice of pizza in the microwave for around 20 to 30 seconds depending on the thickness of the crust or till the cheese just about melts. There you are! Add the toppings back and enjoy your Pot Pizza!
Beware! Wait for at least two hours before you eat another slice- the cheese takes it time letting the pot get to you! The whole experience of a single slice could last you as much as 4 to 6 hours! So just do not mess with the quantity of weed prescribed on the pizza- you may not know what you are in for!