How to Make Pot Tacos: Recipe, Instructions & Video
Cannabis has been inhaled for decades, but in the last ten years it has been found that people are choosing to shift over making edibles as an alternative to smoking it. It is being used in many recipes such as cookies, brownies and even desserts. Studies have found that cannabis edibles help treat many disorders such as chronic pain, nervous system disorder, insomnia and more. However, a lot of people have complained about the smell and taste of cannabutter, which filters through dishes easily.
If knowing how to make cannabutter is one of the first steps in working towards a medical recipe, then knowing how to disguise its taste and smell is a bigger step. Its flavor and taste is so strong that it does require some culinary skills to disguise it.
So, while hiding the taste of cannabutter is difficult, it has been found that tacos have been able to override its powerful effects. For the untutored, a taco is a Mexican dish –in essence, a tortilla with a filling and cannabis tacos that use taco meat to disguise the smell and taste of cannabutter. Taco meat is great when used with burritos, tacos or even salads.
Ingredients required
- Basic taco seasoning
- Medicated butter
- Shredded cheddar or Mexican cheese
- Beans
- Toppings of choice—onion, tomato, salsa, beans, sour cream, cilantro and more
- Taco shell
Spread the soft taco shell on a plate. Measure out how much of medicated butter (Canna butter) you need to use on the shell. Spread the butter so that it covers the whole taco. Use Taco meat over this and even it out so that it is not lumpy in places. First add the shredded cheese. Keep this in the oven (350 degrees) and wait for the cheese to melt.
Now come the different flavors- add as many as you can so that the different tastes seep through. While sour cream will blend with the cheese very well, onion and tomato can add a twang. With lettuce, beans, guac and cilantro bringing in their own flavors and tastes and the cheese and butter blending into them, the Taco takes on a new avatar which has no medicated flavor. The cannabutter merges into the whole and loses its identity.
The secret here is to use ingredients that smell and taste strong. In the midst of such competition, cannabutter will probably lose the race as it does with taco.