My Cannabis Queen’s Lasagna Recipe
This recipe comes from our friend Ryan at The Last American Vagabond, don’t forget to check out his site after eating!
Odessa. Texas – On first arrival, it seemed to be very much like Midland, which is very close in proximity. Most seemed off put by the entire topic of marijuana. Those that claimed to know a guy that knows a guy only seemed to produce reggie at best. They took up half my day and most likely a nug from my bag as a facilitator payment. From the currently fastest growing city in the United States, I expected a little more accessibility. However, after meeting a few down to earth people at a local pub I was awakened to an entirely new depth of wonderment, the cannabis industry is growing up. I have had my share of some intensely groovy edibles and, being the classically trained chef that I am, have made some cookies that would sit down the most veteran of smokers. This fantastic woman, after finding out what I do, invited me back to relax with her friends and enjoy some of their homemade edible experiments. At this point, I am excited to meet such perfect stoners like myself that would invite a complete stranger/fellow traveler back to their home simply in good nature. I am expecting some brownies, chocolate chip cookies or maybe even a rice crispy treat or two. When I see the types of food they begin to pull out, I fall into a combination of chef and stoner intoxication. I see lasagna, meatballs, pastas, and even salsa. At first, I almost thought they were playing a joke on me. Make fun of the marijuana enthusiast! The more I talk with this woman, that I become determined to make my future wife, she explains how she has just moved back home from Seattle. While in Washington she was inspired by a new local dispensary that was selling savory food using marijuana for the THC, as well as the flavor. Inspired by the marijuana lasagna on the menu, she decided to give it a try.
I was just lucky enough to cross her path when I did. Not only was this one of the better lasagnas I have had (the marijuana really infusing well with the sauce) but after playing a few games like 제왕카지노 and enjoying their company, I realized I could barely get off the couch. I consider myself a heavyweight when it comes to marijuana in any form, but after that night of gluttony and cannabis bliss, I had to know what she did different. Lucky for me, she wasn’t shy about sharing her recipes. Odessa, you will forever have a place in my pipe, or my oven. Keep on rolling!
My Cannabis Queen’s Recipe
So the first thing I discovered about her recipe is that she does not use your run of the mill cannabis butter. She uses what they call Budder, or very pure hash oil. Making it is a very complicated process, that I don’t even trust myself to do, but if you feel the need to experiment here is a link to the recipe, use with caution:
If making cannabis butter, It is important to not just melt the butter with the marijuana. You must boil some water and melt the butter within the water. Then add the shake and simmer for what I’m told can be as long as five hours. The time is necessary if you want to achieve the type of ‘knock-you-on-your-ass’ effect that I was fortunate enough to experience. Here is a link to the cannabis butter recipe:
Obviously the higher the marijuana to butter ratio, the more potent the butter will be. After you have your preferred vessel for the THC, it is now time to decide how to apply your newly acquired culinary delight.
- Lasagna (use the butter in the sauce)
See original posting: http://thelastamericanvagabond.com/Cannabis_Queen_s_Recipe.php